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National Wellness Survey

Please take the time to take this survey, it may help our National Wellness Program. It may help you or someone else who is going through wellness issues.

Nationally FOP is working on improving access to Officer wellness efforts including collecting data from line officers. They are asking you to take a few minutes of your time to complete a survey. It’s takes about 15 minutes. Before you just say “No” I want to point out that we all spend time practicing at shooting ranges to ensure accuracy and proficiency in case we need to save a life, but statistically you are or your fellow officer is more likely to die from stress or suicide than in a shoot out. Spend a few minutes to help FOP out, and hopefully this data will be helpful in funding national programs for LEOs that may save a life.

As you know, the National FOP has opened the 2021 Biennial Critical Issues in Policing Survey, so that we can gather the first-hand experiences and opinions of our members across the country. The National Fraternal Order of Police would like to hear from members of the law enforcement family about their greatest concerns and their real experiences as law enforcement officers. Media reports and public opinion are only part of the picture; law enforcement officers should be able to tell their story too!

We are asking that you assist us with getting the word out about the Survey and encouraging participation among your membership. As of today, we have received only 1 response from the State of Nevada. We want to hear from everyone and need some help spreading the word!

Please find below the link to the online Survey as well as a QR code that can be scanned for access from any mobile device.

What are you asking me to do?

Please complete the survey yourself. Then, please forward and share with your local lodges, through your contacts with membership, and with any other law enforcement contacts you may have. You can simply forward this email to those contacts. Also, we have attached two flyers that can be printed and posted to encourage additional participation by other members of law enforcement. Please share this information only within the law enforcement community.

We have also included some answers to FAQs which may be useful, below the survey link.

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