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AFSCME appears out of nowhere

So in true AFSCME fashion, the day we get our election notice granted for an election, they show up at southern institutions. You see as soon as a threat to their cash flow arises, they're all of a sudden here for you. I'm sure all of you would like to know where they have been during the vaccine mandate, the shift bid, the riot at SDCC, the recent escape, and countless other vital issues. How about on personal levels??? How many stories have you heard about officers trying to file grievances and receiving excuses? FOP is the union of the future. We are the ones getting pay discrepancies, administrative failures, and NDOC corruption in the news. We have been fighting for Officers where AFSCME has failed. Do not be deceived when they make up bullshit lies to try and save their income source. Believe what you have seen. Spread the word to all your coworkers, make sure they remember what FOP HAS done in the last two years and what AFSCME HAS NOT! It's time to VOTE for the change we all deserve!!!! FOP for a better future!!!!

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