For all non-members who request representation. Your fees will be $300 per hour with a $3,000 up front retainer. Whatever portion of the retainer is not used, will be refunded to you. This rate is for anyone who has canceled FOP membership in the past or belongs to a different FOP Lodge, as well as those who do not wish to join FOP Nevada C.O. Lodge 21. This fee will be for services by a union steward to represent you through the investigation or grievance process. The up front retainer will only cover 10 hours of representative work. Most cases that go beyond the investigative interview or grievances that go to arbitration typically require in the neighborhood of 20-30 hours of billable work by the representatives. You will also be responsible for any external fees such as arbitration and attorney fees if you need to go beyond the Pre-Disciplinary hearing. This would also apply to any grievance that goes beyond level 3 or equivalent.
So for the cost of 1 non member retainer, you can join FOP and pay your dues for roughly 6 years. If you are a FOP covered member, you will have attorney coverage all the way through the supreme court for administrative discipline cases(investigations). For any disciplinary related grievances you would also be covered by an attorney.
There is no more amnesty period for representation. If you are not a covered member of FOP when the incident that you require representation for occurs, you may request representation through FOP Nevada C.O. Lodge 21 and immediately pay the $3,000 retainer. Half of the hourly rate will be paid to your representative and the other half will go to the Lodge.
If you wish to read the supreme court decision that governs Non-Member representation click on the link below to review the appropriate case law.
Becoming a member of Nevada C.O. Lodge 21 is reserved for Peace Officers employed by the State of Nevada only. In this section you can learn what to expect in return for your membership dues. Don't wait until it is too late! Start your membership process TODAY!!!
Your Initial Membership Fee and Monthly Dues cover your membership with FOP Nevada C.O. Lodge 21.  As a member of our Lodge, your benefits include coverage under the Legal Defense Plan as referenced in the Legal Defense Plan Document on our Legal Defense page. These fees also cover your Lodge Dues, National Per Capita, and State Per Capita, What Does all of this mean? This means that you belong to a Lodge Network of resources dedicated to fighting for State of Nevada Employed Peace Officers.  This means that you belong to a Fraternal Organization of Law Enforcement Brothers and Sisters nationwide.  As a member you are also eligible for other benefits listed below.

Other Benefits
There are extended benefits of being a FOP Nevada C.O. Lodge 21 member.  As a member you can take advantage of Travel Benefits as part of your membership.  Call our Travel Perks service and check out the great package deals they offer to Disneyland, cruises, and international resort destinations. As a member you will also receive emails with offers through many of our national partners.
See how FOP can help you and your family!
What membership provides for you
The initial membership fee and your membership dues will provide you with the best legal defense coverage available to Peace Officers.  FOP's Legal Defense Plan pays your attorney fees in the event that you need representation for administrative, cvil, or criminal cases brought against you for job related incidents that occur on or off duty.  You also will have coverage for off duty carry as outlined on our legal defense page. You can choose from our list of FOP plan attorneys for comprehensive coverage of attorney fees or you can choose a non plan attorney for up to $9500 of paid attorney fees. For a list of FOP plan attorneys and the Legal Defense Plan Document, which details all provided coverage, click on our legal defense page. Also included in your membership fees are Lodge Dues which go to our Lodge in order to improve working conditions, negotiate the contract, and maintain the contract for officers.  As part of your membership dues you will also be given access to FOP benefits that include a free college benefit and a Travel Perks program.  Click on the links in the membership benefits section above to explore these benefits.

Membership Dues
To become a Lodge 21 member you must pay $95 for your initial membership fee. You must also fill out and submit the Payroll Authorization Form below. This will grant authorization for the State of Nevada to withhold your membership dues, $40 per paycheck. and submit them to FOP.
Cancellation Policy: All cancellations must be requested in writing and submitted by email to no later than 14 days before the next billing cycle. This will ensure that we can process your cancellation and submit the necessary paperwork to the State payroll office. You will be subject to a $50 cancellation fee in order to pay for any expenses that the lodge has already incurred on your behalf. There will not be any dispute if you wish to cancel. We will not force you to stay a member against your will.
In order to become a member you must complete the four steps below in order and on the same day. If you cannot complete all four steps, wait until you can complete them in the same day.
STEP 1: fill out the Lodge application via the link below.
STEP 2: fill out the Legal Defense Application via the link below.
STEP 3: Fill out the Payroll Authorization form via the link below.
STEP 4: Pay the initial membership fee of $95
- 95$Â