Meet the Leadership
The Faces of Our Organization
If you need to speak to a local trustee or union steward for issues that can be addressed informally at the institutional level, their contact info is on this page. Please start with your trustees and union stewards first, before contacting Executive Board Members.

Paul Lunkwitz
Work hours M-F
7am-4pm pst.
NDOC Officer, with the department since 2000, retired in 2021, and officer advocate since 2008, Paul has worked at Southern Desert Correctional Center, High Desert State Prison, and Central Transportation. As a representative of officers, our President has fought to protect Peace Officer rights on every level in the NDOC. Lunk continues to mentor officers regarding Peace Officer Rights issues. Paul is truly an inspiration, and has distinguished himself as a passionate and effective advocate.
Michael Thompson
Vice President
Mike Thompson has been with NDOC since 2015. A fiery Officer advocate with no patience for those who are generally inept at their jobs. He makes himself available for anyone who asks for help. An extremely hard worker with a history of improving safety at HDSP. Our Vice President is committed to creating a better environment for our hard working brothers and sisters with a focus on a strong membership within FOP.

Don Hicks
2nd Vice President
A C.O. since 2006, currently certified as an Instructor in O.C. spray and Defensive Tactics. He currently works as one of the Yard Investigators at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center. Don is a focused advocate for Correctional Staff working on the front lines. He has helped us coordinate FOP business in the northern region as well. Knowledgeable, professional, and a great asset to our union.
Dshamba Prater
NDOC officer, with the department since 2003, Dee has had the pleasure of working every post at High Desert State Prison including Trans. Our Secretary has vast experience as a training officer (FTO) and a NOTIS instructor. Prater is a critical thinker with insightful, strategic input when helping officers stand up for their rights. He has also passionately represented multiple officers during investigations over his lengthy career.

David Whittaker
David Whittaker has been with NDOC since 2019. David has worked at High Desert State Prison and Currently at Southern Desert Correctional Center. He is always there to help Officers stay safe, keep their jobs, and go home to their loved ones. He is always available to lend an ear if you have a concern or have issues.
Jason Stinehour
Sergeant at Arms
NDOC Officer since 2015. A dedicated S&E Officer at HDSP, Brother Stinehour is always there when you need him. Whether its standing up to supervisors or backing up officers, he is always there for our brothers and sisters. "My goal with the NDOC and being on the FOP board is to learn, grow, stand up for my brothers and sisters for peace officers rights."

Robert Ashcraft
Co-Creator Lodge 21
Chairman-Supervisors Committee
NDOC Sergeant, with the department since 1999 and officer advocate since 2008, Bob has worked at Ely State Prison and High Desert State Prison. Ash has fought for Staff in every capacity imaginable. As Chairman of the Supervisors Committee, he brings his years of experience and skills to the forefront in helping our members succeed. In addition Ash participates in strategic meetings with both management and officers.
Jon Allen-Ricksecker
HDSP Trustee and Chairman of Trustees
Jonathan R. Allen-Ricksecker “Allen” is a career law enforcement officer with over 22 years with the Nevada Department of Corrections (NDOC). Officer Allen holds an A.A.S degree from CCSN, and an B.A. degree from U.N.L.V. Allen is an advocate for officers and has held positions on several law enforcement associations. He was the elected safety committee employee representative for over 5 years. Allen is an encyclopedia of knowledge for state and federal law, as well as NDOC policy. Allen often assists co-workers with their grievances and or concerns and on occasion provides representation to staff members including those under investigation.

Union Stewards List
Southern Region:
Taylor Paryga- parygafop21@yahoo.com 702-539-7412
Marquise Franklin-
franklinfop21@yahoo.com 702-204-0796
Imajo Blount-
blountfop21@yahoo.com 702-583-2373
Bradley Kratz-
bkratzfop21@gmail.com 702-803-0305
Stein Mental Hospital-
Andrew Hunt-
huntfop21@yahoo.com 702-487-1760
Nicholas Karim-
karimfop21@yahoo.com 313-800-2243
Northern Region:
Jesse Haines- hainesfop21@gmail.com 775-385-8477
Ron Carrete- carretefop21@yahoo.com 775-830-8269
Myles Etcheberry-
etcheberryfop21@yahoo.com 775-527-4433
David Horton-
dhortonfop21@yahoo.com 714-608-1597
Lakes Crossing Center
Gerick Sustiguer-
sustiguerfop21@yahoo.com 775-250-2846
East Region:
Michael Adams-
adamsfop21@yahoo.com 775-293-5041
Justin Hunt-
justinhuntfop21@yahoo.com 435-216-2818
Supervisor Committee Bargaining Unit N
Bob Ashcraft-
Jonathan Rivera-
Stein Mental Hospital
John Dibari-
Michael Bashor-
Jason O'Dea-